On the 21st of August, I had my lock-down birthday, I turned 11 years old. If we weren't in lock-down we probably would have gone to the Woodstock pub for tea. I woke up at 6:30 and ran into my Mum and Dad's bedroom I woke them up, then I went and woke Luke up. Then it was time to start opening my presents. The first present I opened had a whole heap of lollies and chocolate in it. It had Fruit burst, Fantales, Sour Patch Kids, Hundreds and Thousands chocolate, Caramilk chocolate, Oreos, and Peanut butter cups. Then inside of that box was another box which had a brand new phone inside of it. It was a Samsung A12 and I was stoked. When we got up Dad made pancakes, we had them with banana, strawberries, chocolate mousse, whipped cream, and maple syrup. Once we were done breakfast since it was a bad day I had some games of Fortnite and then had a play on my phone. We had an amazing lunch for lunch we had Nutella sandwiches, marshmallows, licorice, strawberries, grapes, bacon lettuce, and tomato sandwiches, blueberry muffins, and coke and raspberry. After a bit more gaming and playing on my phone it was time for tea. For tea, we had loaded wedges, then we watched a movie called The Expendables 3. When we get out of lock-down I am planning on going on a birthday party hunt with a few of my friends and having a cake.